

Bongo Bongo Nageela(通称Bongo Bongo)はウィリアム・フォーサイスのImpressing the Czar(1988年初演)の中のパート4にあたる作品。


Impressing the Czarは、1984年にフランクフルト・バレエ団の芸術監督に就任して、彼がどんどん作品を作っていた頃の大作で、

全体は5つのパートからなる。その内のパート4にあたるのがこのBongo Bongo。

ちなみにかのIn the Middle, Somewhat Elevatedはこの作品のパート2。







■Work Introduction

Bongo Bongo Nageela (commonly called Bongo Bongo) is the 4th part of Forsythe’s “Impressing the Czar” (premiered in 1988). Its length is a little less than 7 minutes.

“Impressing the Czar” is one of large works produced when he was appointed as Artistic Director of the Frankfurt Ballet in 1984 and created his own pieces one after another. It consists of 5 parts, and its 4th part is the Bongo Bongo. Incidentally, famous “In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated” is the 2nd part of this work.

It is a piquant piece in which male dancers also vigorously dance in girl’s school uniforms.

Anyone can use this content freely. Just enjoy dancing.

The first half shows dances in 7 different parts. Each part runs simultaneously.

The second half shows everybody dancing in a circle.

Some parts of the choreography could be quite challenging, so arrange freely in your way. You can increase or decrease the number of dancers according to the space available, or you can join dancing just from the second half. If you feel you are not good at dancing, you may join from the dance in a circle. Enjoy dancing in your own way.